Datum izdanja 5.10.2009. - broj 2   Podijeli / šalji / spremi

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Podaci o časopisu

Dodatni podaci o časopisu Sljedeće izdanje: 2011.
Izlazi: dva puta godišnje
Cijena: 0,00 kn

O izdanju:


Colonel General Slavko Barić, deputy Chief of the Croatian Armed Forces General Staff for planning and resources

NATO summit
23rd NATO summit in Strasbourg and Kehl

10  The Croatian Armed Forces
18th annual Croatian Armed Forces and Croatian Army day

12  Military exercise
International Special Units exercise

16  Anniversary
14th anniversary of the biggest victory in the homeland war

20  Voluntary military service
A new way to staff the Croatian Armed Forces

22  Military exercise
Croatian artillerymen train American soldiers

24  Cadets project
Cadets speaking out on the “Cadets” project

28  Croatian military industry
The modernization of the Croatian Armed Forces

31  Croatian military industry
Croatian VHS assault rifle

34  The CroatIan Air Force and Air Defense
“Krila oluje” ACRO group

38  IntervIew
Corvette lieutenant Grgo Kero, first Croatian participant in the EU naval peacekeeping operation “Atalanta” in Somalia

40  Peacekeeping missions
Members of the 2nd CroCon within the Austrian Battalion in the UNDOF mission on the Golan heights

 43  Peacekeeping missions
The first contingent of the air force’s departure for mission KFOR

 45  Homeland war memorial centre in Vukovar
Where you can meet the past and the future
Gdje kupiti: Besplatna podjela po cijelom svijetu gdje se nalaze naši pripadnici

O časopisu:

Časopis je namijenjen boljem upoznavanju pripadnika stranih vojski s postignućima hrvatske vojske u području multilateralnih i bilateralnih odnosa u okvirima nato saveza te predstavljanje hrvatske vojne industrije.

Časopis je na engleskom jeziku. Besplatni primjerci isključivo izvan Hrvatske.


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